8 Ways fluid typography can improve your website

fluid typography

8 Ways fluid typography can improve your website Fluid typography is the practice of using flexible design elements to create a seamless reading experience across different devices. It can be used for things like adjusting line-height, width, and weight in order to make the content fit neatly on any device. This article goes over 8 […]

How to Build a Website In 10 Simple Steps

Website Design In 10 Simple Steps Website Design India: Building a website is an exciting process that can be done in as little as 10 steps. A web agency, freelancer, and/or web designer would need to first collect the necessary information about their company and what they want their site to do. From there, one […]

15 Tips To Make Your Website More Effective

Your website is the first impression that you have of potential clients or customers. You have one chance to grab them and convince them to stay. If your website looks unprofessional, cluttered, outdated, or boring then they are going to leave it. But if your site is clean, professional looking with well-organized content in an […]