Lit: An Introduction To Building Your Own Retro Draggable Web Component

Web Component

As the world of technology is moving faster, we are seeing all kinds of new innovations and changes every day. This trend is also reflected in the web development world, with new technologies being introduced at a rapid pace. One such innovation is lit – a programming language that is known for its simplicity and ease of use. As developers, we often have a difficult time getting our hands on and using these technologies, which lead us to build our own solutions instead. In this article I will give you some tips on how to get started with building your own retro draggable web component with Lit!


If you’re looking for an introduction to building your own retro web component, Lit is the place for you. We’ll take you through the basics of creating a draggable element in HTML and CSS, and show you how to make it work with a few simple examples. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to create a basic draggable web component that can be used in your own projects.

What is Lit?

Lit is a draggable web component created by the team at Yii. Lit provides you with a simple and straightforward way to create custom web components that can be used in your projects. With Lit, you can quickly and easily create a draggable component that can be used in your web applications.

Installing and Using Lit

Lit is a draggable web component that can be used to create retro-style websites. Lit is available as a npm package and can be installed using the following command:

npm install lit

Once installed, you can use Lit to create a retro-style website by following these steps:

  1. Create a new Lit project by entering the following command:

lit new my-project

  1. Enter the following code into your my-project directory:

import React, { Component } from ‘react’ ; import { Lit } from ‘lit’ ; export default class MyComponent extends Component { render() { return ( < Lit src = “./my-component.svg” /> ); } }

  1. Open my-component.js and add the following code to the top of the file:

import React , { Component } from ‘react’ ; import { Lit } from ‘lit’ ; export default class MyComponent extends Component { // … render() { return ( < Lit src = “./my-component.svg” /> ); } }

Adding a Text Component

Adding a text component to your web page can be a great way to add some extra flair and organization to your site. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a text component and teaching you some tips and tricks for using it.

Adding Images to Your Blog Post

If you’re like most bloggers, your blog posts are chock-full of images. But how can you add images to your posts without having to use third-party tools or editors? In this article, we’ll show you how to add images to your blog posts using Lit, a draggable web component built on top of React.

First, let’s create a new Lit project. In the Lit navbar, click on New Project and enter the following information:

Name: Add an image to my post

Description: This will be displayed in the navbar when we create the project

You’ll also need to set up your project’s settings. Under Settings, click on the General tab and enter the following information:

Name: Add an image to my post

Type: Library


Then, under Dependencies, click on the + button and enter the following information: Name: litVersion: 0.14.1Name: reactVersion: 16.6.0Name: react-domVersion: 16.6.0Name: lodashVersion: 4.17Name: babelVersion: 6.24This will add the library dependencies to your project, but not the files needed to build it! Click on the Build tab and enter the following information:Build Settings -> Source Code Location -> Source Files LocationBrowse to where you saved your React source code and select it. Note that you don’t need to do this again for every new project you create, as it’s added to your global React settings when you create a new Lit project automatically!Under Build Settings, leave all of these settings at their default values.Next, click on the Add Build Step and select Copy Files.Enter the following information:Command Line -> Any arguments that you would like to add will go here.The final step is to click on Build Phases and click on New Run Script… on your left as shown below:This will launch a command line window with all of the commands we added earlier! This should look like this now:You’re ready to build your Lit project using the command line!

Adding Inline Code to Your Blog Post

If you’re anything like me, you love writing and coding. But sometimes, you don’t have the time to write out a full blown blog post. That’s why I’m excited about Lit. Lit is a drag-and-drop web component library that makes it easy to add inline code to your blog posts. Here’s how it works:

  1. Add the lit library to your project.

  2. Import the lit module into your blog post.

  3. Add a lit component to your page.

  4. Use the lit component’s methods to insert inline code into your post.

  5. Preview your post online and check out the results in a browser window!

Lit makes it easy to quickly add inline code to your blog posts without having to type out every line of code yourself. You can use Lit components in any HTML document, so you can even use them in your website’s footer or sidebar if you want! Lit also includes a number of handy methods for inserting data into your posts, so you can easily generate Tables, Lists, and other types of content without having to write any extra code yourself. So give Lit a try and see how easy it is to add inline code to your blog posts!

Enhancing A Web Component With HTML, CSS and JavaScript

In this blog post, we will be discussing how we can enhance a web component with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. By enhancing our web component, we will be able to create a draggable web component that works across browsers. In order to do this, we will be using the following libraries: React and react-dom.

We will start off by creating a new React project. Once we have created our project, let’s install the necessary dependencies:

npm install –save react react-dom

Next, let’s create our basic file structure for our project. We will first create a src directory and within that directory, we will create two files: DragDrop.js and index.html . The DragDrop.js file will contain our main functionality while the index.html file will just contain some basic markup. Let’s take a look at both files now:


import ‘./index.html’ /* import */ export default class DragDrop extends React . Component { constructor ( props ) { super ( props ); this . state = { left : 0 , top : 0 }; } onDragStart ( event ) { this . setState ({ left : event . clientX , top : 0 }); } onDragComplete ( event ) { console . log ( onDragStart: ${ this . state . left } x ${ this . state . top } , onDragComplete: ${ this . state . left } x ${ this . state . top } ); } render () { return ( < div > < input type = “text” placeholder = “Left” style ={{ paddingLeft : 5 }} onChange ={ this . onDragStart } /> < button type = “button” onClick ={ this . onDropComplete }> Drop );} render () { const { top , left } = this.state; return ( < button type=”button” onClick={ this . onDropComplete}> Drop { top === left ? ${ left } x ${ top } : ${ top } x ${ left } } );} });


If you’re looking to add a touch of retro style to your website, then you’ll want to check out Lit. This component lets you create draggable web components that are perfect for use in vintage-inspired designs or any other modern design projects. Whether you need a simple marquee component or something more complex, Lit has everything you need to get started. Plus, it’s super easy to use so even beginners can get up and running quickly. Give Lit a try today and see how retro styled web components can help give your site a new look and feel.

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